

澳门皇冠app, we understand how important experiential learning is to our students and to their future employers. That’s why many of our departments offer and/or require students to participate in various internships and service-learning experiences. These opportunities provide young individuals the chance to truly explore the meaning of our five pillars: integrity, 知识严谨, 心灵深处, 社会责任与服务.

体验式学习可以成为课程, meaning that students take credit-bearing courses that require some form of service-learning or applied-learning involvement. It can also be co-curricular, meaning that the involvement is non-credit bearing.


Applied learning allows students the chance to apply what they learn in the classroom to the real world through an internship.

Students have interned at a variety of organizations, such as:

  • 布鲁克海文国家实验室
  • Northwell健康
  • 迪斯尼
  • 香奈儿
  • Grant Thornton, L.L.P.
  • 美国国家航空航天局
  • 美国职业棒球大联盟
  • MTV
  • U.S. 开放
  • U.S. 证券交易
  • 委员会
  • Vitamix
  • 纽约警察局
  • 东萨福克boce
  • 当地学区
  • 天主教保健服务
  • 国家公园管理局
  • 萨福克郡办事处
  • 长岛基督教青年会
  • 品牌酒店
  • 精品酒店
  • 餐饮大厅

在PS Digital实习

"This internship helped me gain insight into how marketing works, and what aspects go into it. I believe students should serve internships because they should get experience in their field of expertise. 它告诉你真实的世界是什么样的, 如何变得专业, 以及企业面临的时间限制."


Service learning links academic study to community service through structured opportunities that encourage students to reflect, 沟通和成长, allowing them to explore how they identify with all five pillars of 澳门足彩app.


  • local trips to Veteran organizations, such as the Long Island State 退伍军人 首页 in Stony Brook
  • 尼加拉瓜环球旅行, where students have helped over the last twelve years by providing support for a preschool, 创建儿童奖学金项目, 举办女性写作工作坊, 建造和修理房屋
  • 环球旅行罗马尼亚
  • 参观Riverhead和Brentwood的当地农场
  • 去霍茨维尔生态中心 
  • 在圣修女会帮忙. 布伦特伍德的约瑟夫社区农场 
  • volunteering at Island Nursing and Rehab Center, Maryhaven and Little Flower Children

Participated in Alternative Winter Break and Alternative Spring Break in 2019

"I think it is so important for students to be involved in these trips in order for them to gain new experiences that push their limits. 在旅途中, I grew in my faith and stepped out of my comfort zone in many areas — from construction to even just opening up to others."


What's the difference between experiential and applied learning?

Experiential learning is the overarching area that includes options such as applied learning. 应用学习是体验学习的一种形式, but specifically relates to students applying what they have learned in a classroom setting to an appropriate real-world environment. Courses such as internships and student teaching are included in this specific area.


大部分的 学术部门澳门皇冠app require some form of experiential learning. This can be accomplished through courses that apply to either the experiential learning curricular or service-learning areas, 或者应用学习, 包括实习.


Academic internships are approved courses that reside in their respective departments. 各部门将确定最低工作时间, 是基于纽约州的教育要求吗, 外部认证机构和最佳实践. Many disciplines have very specific guidelines and requirements.


Internship schedules are determined by the faculty, agency supervisor and student. 


Service-learning courses link the theory of the course to some form of service (typically addressing a social issue), 哪些是在课堂之外发生的. A minimum of 15 hours of service outside of the classroom is required. In most cases, projects either include the entire class or are a group effort. 为此目的, the class will meet in the classroom for about two-thirds of the time, and outside of the classroom at another location one-third of the time. 这有一些变化, especially if the course involves an alternative spring break or study abroad component.

How many hours are required per course for service learning?

A minimum of 15 hours of documented service is required for all service-learning courses.

Are there additional resources that support 实习 at the University?

The Office of 职业准备 and Professional Development provides numerous resources that support experiential learning. 作为学术部门和学生的支持, the Office of 职业准备 and Professional Development staff help to prepare students for their internships through résumé writing and approval, 写求职信, 面试的艺术和专业性. 除了学术学分的机会, the Office of 职业准备 and Professional Development also provides students with information in regard to quality internships. 虽然没有信用, these opportunities will enhance a student’s experiential learning and ability to apply what they learn in a classroom setting to a real-world experience. As such, students can engage in multiple experiences through a myriad of quality agencies. The office uses Handshake and has a job board, which includes additional internship sites.

参观 Long Island Office of 职业准备 and Professional Development 浏览更多信息.

Interned aboard the Norwegian Cruise Line’s Pride of America ship in Hawaii

“我一直想在游轮上工作, so when a friend who is in the industry saw this opportunity, 他们坚持要我跳上去. 当我被录取时,我很兴奋. Now that the internship led to a job offer, it's the start to my dream career."